In Flow with the Elements


We balance ourselves by balancing the tattvas, or elements, in our body: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. 

The tattvas are directly related to the Chakras, as well as to different physiological and emotional aspects of our being.

We all have dominant tattvas in our body, and those change with time and even in certain situations. 

 When our tattvas are in equilibrium, we feel more balanced and self-assured. When we’re in balance, we live with grace and strength.

Join me for a special 6-week Kundalini series to balance the elements:


•   Introducing the 5 Elements

•   The grounding energy of the Earth

•   The fluid creativity of Water

•   The passion and heat of Fire

•   The clarity of Air

•   The lightness and elevation of Ether


This 6 week course provides us with the tools and technologies to move and manage our life force energy regardless of the situation.

We use physical exercises (kriya), breath work (pranayama), sound (mantra), movement and meditation to navigate through the subconscious mind in order to release old outdated versions of ourselves and reclaim our True wisdom and power. 

This work will give you an experience of the alchemy you as a human being are capable of when you tap into higher states of consciousness.

No previous experience needed.

WHEN: Begins 13 September 10am

WHERE: Church Lane Wellness, Letterkenny

COST €90 for 6 weeks



 Contact me at with any questions

‘What has been astounding aside from how much I’ve enjoyed your classes and learned, has been your incredible knowledge and the gentle, generous way you share it.’ Edel Mc Bride