Kundalini is an Energy, a powerful creative force that resides in each of us. Through the practice of kundalini yoga we ignite this energy, awaken the Soul and bring awareness, creativity and prosperity. An ancient practice known as the Yoga of awareness, kundalini yoga combines several techniques to master the mind and body, achieving an experience of the Spirit, your limitless existence. It provides the opportunity to shift your consciousness, go beyond the patterned beliefs and set your life up in flow with your own rhythm.

Through Kundalini Yoga you experience and reclaim the full spectrum of who you are. As you go deeper into your inner world, the deeper you move into your own heart, into the heart of life and into the fullest experience of your Divinity.

I have been trained in and practising Kundalini Yoga since 2011. I teach regular courses throughout the year. These courses introduce and train participants in the techniques and technologies of this ancient practice. We work with pranayama (breath work), bandas (body locks), kriyas (postures), mantra and meditation.
Please get in touch for more details or to purchase online kundalini course offerings
Now taking bookings for Winter Solstice Workshop
Email kundaliniyogadonegal@gmail.com to book now.